Friday, July 03, 2009

Iseum of Hekate, Phosphorus, Soteira & Psychopompus Hermeneus

The Iseum of Hekate, Phosphorus, Soteira & Psychopompus Hermeneus

Wishes To Announce It’s Official Launch.

This new Fellowship of Isis Iseum received its icially signed ‘Charter’ from Rt. Rev Lady Olivia Robertson dated 26/06/2009.

This Iseum is based in County Wexford, Ireland.

Founder: Dorn Simon-Sinnott
Contact: placing ‘Iseum’ in the subject line.

Correspondence training is available along with a future chat room online for appointed meetings.

Iseum Name Aspects:
Hekate Phosphorus
- Hekate the Lightbearer/Lightbringer.
Soteira - Means Saviour, therefore Hekate Soteira = Hekate the Saviour.
Psychopompus - Guide of Souls, it is those Deities who have the power to walk in both the land of the living as well as enter the underworld, thus can travel between the light and the dark, guiding those to the other side, through the darkness into the light.
Hermeneus - Comes from the God Hermes, in relation to his name and one of his aspects, being that again of Psychopompus, but also Hermeneus - Meaning an interpreter whom bridges the boundaries between strangers.

In essence the above descriptions are an insight to the work and purpose chosen for this Iseum.
To aid those who find themselves in the darkness, to find a path to the light.
For those who fluctuate between light and darkness, highs and lows, to find a spiritual guidance and balance.

For those interested in learning their darker aspects and being more in control of them.

For those in need of healing, either their past, present, or future plans, and cognitively & spiritually progressing through the work of the Goddess, in her myriad of forms, yet guided by the Iseum Patrons Hekate & Hermes, and the Fellowship of Isis.

To learn the key to a fulfilled life, the key we hold deep within us.

Training & Working Vocation Purpose of the Iseum:

Fellowship of Isis Initiate Drama Rites Training on the Spiral of the Adepti.

Personal Development through Meditation, Energy Clearing/Balancing Exercises, Daily Devotionals & Prayer, Path-working, Visualisation, Healing, Writing, Psychology & Counselling.

Eclectic Witchcraft, Wicca, Ancient Pantheons & Alphabets, Gods/Goddesses and their aspects, overall Pagan & Occult Magickal Training with Certified results for work accomplished.

Reiki Training (once I too have finished mine to Master Level) Level I, II, III Master in Usui Tradition, and further Reiki traditions/Angelic training once I too have accomplished these.

Divination/Psychic Development Training, not just simply teaching Tarot but helping the Candidate/Neophyte to discover their own natural psychic gifts, whether clairvoyant, or clairsentient and so on, using techniques such as Cards, on a variety scale, Crystals, Spirit, Ogham, Clouds, Skrying & Treelore etc.

Writing: Ritual, Poetry, and Stories/Articles, as a way to manifest inner guidance, messages from Deity/Spirit, and as an outlet psychologically to unlock past events/hurts during healing.

Vocational Work Provided through the Iseum:

Energy/Reiki Healing Sessions:
20 in person Full Body Healing (on Plinth with Meditative sounds).

Psychological Counselling:
Client Centred Approach utilising an eclectic scale of treatments tailored to individual needs.

In the works is, and currently researching Self Publishing Deals with various companies/websites is a Book of Poetry written by the Iseum Founder, to which she is happy to Launch/Publish through the Iseum.

Accessibility of the Iseum:

Those in Ireland, if willing to travel to Wexford can avail of this Iseum/Training in person with Liturgy Initiate Drama Rites being held in person.

Those outside Ireland will/can train through correspondence coursework in the Iseum, Liturgy Initiate Drama Rites being held solo by candidates (or with other Iseum Members if in close proximity) with study guides, advise and general guidance from me prior, all achievements will be logged, and Certified as is protocol in the Fellowship of Isis, and Attunements of Consecrational /Ordinational Rites held for each member at each level of achievement.

Dorn Simon-Sinnott is an Adept in the FOI, trained in the Iseum of Aradia, and continueing training for Priestesshood.
Founder of the Iseum of Hekate, Phosphorus, Soteira & Psychopompus Hermeneus.
Currently studying her third Diploma in Advanced Psychology, Dorn also regularly writes Poetry and Scripts, having also trained & tutored in Broadcast Media Production.
Dorn is based in Ireland.

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