Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Egyptian Theater in Moscow: The Wife of Orion

Here is a preview of the Video-Mystery, THE SACRAL BOOK OF ISIS  written by Victoria Preobrazhensky and performed by New Mystery of Egyptian Theatre.

This section is called The Wife of Orion.

Here is a synopsis of the action:

The epoch of Aquarius creates in the Universe the New Mystery of the Mother of the World, Goddess Isis of Ten Thousand Names.

At an entrance into a sacred Labyrinth (a wheel of reincarnations)  stands Horus, Son of ISIS.  He symbolizes humanity.  Before Horus, there is a heavy way of risings and fallings, the path of the warrior which leads to perfection.

Horus wanders in the Labyrinth of Time. But it is time to leave the Labyrinth already, having found the Way to the Bosom of the Great Mother of Light.  Horus hears the Call of the Goddess, and connects with the Great Mother, glorifying Her, covered by the Gold of Her Universal Wings.  At last, He has found Himself, and cognized the Truth.

Next: the Ascension of Horus into the Kingdom of Light:
the Starry Rostau-Duat, where Orion (Osiris) and Sirius (Isis) wait for Horus to unite with the Father (Osiris).

Isis-Sotis and the Star Hierarchy, on the way of Ascension of Horus into the Heavenly Duat, help Him to become «A star, as a live soul...».  Horus comprehends Eternity...

At the same time the Wife of Orion, the Goddess Isis, soaring in the form of white bird over the renovated Earth, enters into the fourth dimension.  She admires the beauty and harmony of the new world created by Her.  She has won a victory over the Dragon who constantly pursued «The wife and Her Seed» on the Earth.  The dragon made  slaves of humanity, having put on all the weak-willed the black seals of death (the label of the beast).

Having passed through the Time of Great Sorrow, the White Star Tribe resists the Dragon led by the Wife of Orion.

The long-awaited Victory of Light takes place.

And now, Isis is with Orion, and Her Beloved Horus (Horus-Osiris). She, at last, has executed the universal mission: She has won a victory over the insidious Seth — world evil —through Her Beauty, Knowledge and LOVE!

The Sixth Race, revived by the Great Mother, came to the New Earth-Bohema and glorified The progenitress of the Universe! mankind has entered the Golden Age of LOVE, Beauty and Harmony — the Epoch of the Mother of the World.

The Sacral Book of Isis : Wife of Orion was created by Victoria Preobrazhensky,

The Sacral Book of Isis will soon be available in English. Watch for sections of it in the next issue of Isis Seshat Journal!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lady Olivia in Salt Lake City UT

FOI Central Registry

From Olivia Robertson:

"I am so happy that my neice Cressida Pryor is my successor in the spiritual and ethical work of the Fellowship of Isis. We need one single centre for registration of membership and centres (Lyceums, Iseums, Priories and Groves, Solar Iseums) which should be Clonegal Castle. Cressida has offered to be the custodian. Members may register with her and must sign that they agree to the Manifesto. No member has the right to control another. There are no subscription fees, membership will always continue to be free. I feel my brother is with me as the Fellowship of Isis goes back to basics. 

Cressida is the neice of my brother Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and Pamela Durdin-Robertson.  

She is responsible only for registration and not new membership."

--Olivia Robertson.

Cressida Pryor comments:

"Registration to the Fellowship of Isis, and registration of centres may be made via my email. All must agree to the Manifesto. Please put ‘FOI’ in the title bar of any emails."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

FOI Center Guidelines

Fellowship of Isis Center Guidelines apply equally to all FOI centers and societies.
This guideline and policy page includes a message from Lady Olivia about her creation of the guidelines.

Guidelines are provided for:
--enrolling new members
--new centers
--iseums and lyceums
--new appointments
--non-affiliation clause
--providing instruction to minors
--FOI priesthood training
--issuing of certificates
--FOI center websites
--FOI rituals

Friday, July 22, 2011


 Musings on Priesthood Training Courses
From Olivia Robertson 22/7/2011

As we have said in our Manifesto, My brother and I have printed our ordination ceremony but left it to individual priestesses and Priests to offer their own form of training.  Purely from a personal point of view I like what Caroline has told me this morning so I have prevailed on her to offer her own method which is modern, democratic and original. It allows the candidate to bring the Goddess into everyday life.

My brother and I were very clear that anyone could leave the Fellowship, including the priesthood and any FOI group or course at anytime and that they will be sent forth with goodwill and kindness however annoyed they are at the time! I don’t mind if they find spiritual support elsewhere.  The Priestess allows the candidate privacy and therefore freedom in their personal life. There should be no vows or secrecy. Let us be happy! Love is the Heartbeat of the Universe. OR

My brother is present as Caroline and I are talking here on the sofa after breakfast:

From Caroline: Olivia has asked me to share the basics of my Priestess training.

My course is open to all who come with a genuine good heart.  It is a very practical and the aims are for the candidate to integrate the Goddess into the ‘mundane’ sphere, what we call everyday life, which includes ones’ work, hobbies, and other activities. This extends to some form of conservation work; practical or raising awareness; Some similar work will be taken with animals and the environment. This is not as daunting as it sounds, trust me! This complements academic research – hearing of  your genuine psychic and spiritual contact with the goddess is as important, if not more so, than you telling me what you have learned from books!

The practical work also complements this more esoteric work such as the daily meditations and psychic attunements, FOI Liturgy rites, joining us in solo distant attunement, dream understanding, and bi-monthly group meetings. To me the most important aspect of the role of Priestess is to give the oracle of the Goddess, and it is a particular feature of the FOI priesthood. My course offers training with this.

The candidate finds that by the date of their ordination, they are already acting as a Priestess or Priest with grace in all spheres of their life, including how they treat others, how they share, and how they treat themselves. Equally, I see the role of the Pr/Prs offering an ordination course as one of bringing out the Pr/Prs already within the candidate. No form of bossing or discipline should be present in the relationship. There can be no form of domineering from teacher to student, the relationship is not healthy if the teacher acts like a boss, and the student should not accept it. The newly ordained Prs or Pr is free to continue working with the same people, or to start their own group and to go forth with blessings of the Fellowship. Aset Shemu. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Prayer Request For Indigenous People

Lady Olivia has asked that the following message be widely distributed:

"From Olivia Robertson, Druidess. Festival of Opet, Isis the Awakener.

I have been overwhelmed by the needs of my friends the Hopi, Mayans, and Polynesians and other Native American peoples both North and South to save their whole life-style from well meaning but disasterous intervention.

Now at last the the Divine Command of the Earth Goddess has been heard as Druidess Caroline Wise was summoned to see Her Excellency the Bolivian Ambassador to London to help the Earth Goddess and the indigenous people. The Ambassadress has said we are five minutes to midnight to saving the earth, and that the earth goddess Patchamama is now officially recognised by the Bolivian government.

If we want to help, each of us can light a candle to the Earth Goddess that we may perform her Divine Will to save the Earth. Not our will, her will by forming a network of lights around the earth. "

--Olivia Robertson

A message from Caroline Wise was also received:

" I was very honoured to be asked to a meeing at the Bolivian Embassy by the Ambassador to Britain Maria Beatriz Souviron to discuss the summer solstice significance at Stonehenge, and the goddess. I was also asked to describe our own beliefs in the Fellowship of Isis. I told her about our work in the Druid Clan of Dana and the Noble Order of Tara. Vivianne Crowley represented Wicca. Please see my report in the latest Isian News. The ambassador said we are five minutes to midnight regarding the diminution of earth’s resources. She was aware that the pagan practice of the Bolivian indigenous people have similarities with modern ‘Western’ pagan practice. While I am aware that there are also differences that may not be in accord with my own practice, the important thing is that the Goddess has been officially recognised by a democratically elected government and this will lead to more recognition of the Goddess world wide.

To help with this restoration of the Goddess, I sanction Olivia’s suggestion that we light candles and send the light forth to the indigenous people of the world. Five minutes to midnight on any day convenient to you would be a good time to do this; if this is not possible, then any time could be symbolic of ‘five minutes to midnight’."

--Caroline Wise

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Datura: Esoteric Poetry Anthology

Chicago esoteric poet and FOI member Anna Applegate has been published in Scarlet Imprint Press's poetry anthology, Datura.

A celebration took place at Life Force Arts Center in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood: 3148 N. Lincoln Ave (just south of where Lincoln, Belmont, and Ashland Avenues intersect) from 7-9 p.m. and vegan appetizers, wine, and desserts were provided.

Anna recited her two poems that have been published: "Persephone's Rising" and "Bean Sidhe."
Scarlet Imprint Press is based in the U.K. and the April 24, 2010  book launch party was the only one held in the U.S. I wish I could go to Cornwall for the other party! Here is the publisher's link concerning this beautifully handcrafted book of esoteric poesy:

FOI Copyrights

From FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson
via Minette Quick, Hon. Secretary of the Circle of Brigid, Ireland
Received April 10, 2011

The Following Global Sites:

Circle of Isis (Fellowship of Isis Central)
Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive
FOI Germany
Star of Elen

Are Authorized To:

1. Publish the Fellowship of Isis Liturgy
! 2. Publish all of Olivia Robertson's writings
3. Publish all of Olivia's recordings (as liturgy tapes, CDs)
4. FOI manuals and handbook
5. Excerpts from Lawrence Durdin-Robertson's work
Copyright in usual legal terms belongs to any Global Site that publishes FOI material in print form, which includes translation.  Royalties of 10% go to Olivia Robertson for FOI expenses.  On her demise the Royalties go to the publishers.

  When publication is just started it might be necessary for the publishers to keep the royalties to remain in business.  On the other hand, more than 10% might be given as a donation once their business is secure.

Iseam of ISIS of ARTS is in Moscow.

A second Iseum Iseam is dedicated to Mother of the World,  White TARA, Sophia Divine Wisdom: 

is dedicated to the Mother of the World with Thousand Names, and is run by Victoria RA in the Image of ISIS, IShtar, Slavonic Mother of Light Maria DEVI Christos!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


This Shrine of 
 Leads us to the main scene
 of Opet 
within the Cave.
The WINGED ISIS restores OSIRIS to life.
We also are reborn 
through the Divine Wife, 
the Divine Mother!
So are we all.
(Painting and text by Olivia Robertson)


Directly facing the Anthrosphinx
Is the Granite Dolmen doorway
Celebrated on 23rd July, 
also between Leo & Virgo.


BAST now faces a harvest wreath 
as She is Protectress of the Harvest
At the time of the Inundation of the Nile,
between Leo &Virgo


Working directly on the wall, 
Olivia has now extended 
her beautiful full-length portrait of HATHOR 
around the curves of the wall,
 Which shows off 
Her lovely flowing hair, shoulder and arms to perfection.
This painting now provides a wonderful welcome to visitors,
As they come down the last few steps into the Temple.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Isis of the Stars Blog

Rev. Michael A. Starsheen has  created the Isis of the Stars Blog  for his lyceum: 

It contains meditations, thoughts, rituals, and other information about the worship of the Gods and Goddesses, and the Fellowship of Isis.

Michael has  just posted a revised version of a ritual written many years ago to celebrate Freedom and Liberty on July 4th. While this is formed around the US Independence Day, the ritual may be used by all folk who wish to send forth vibrations of peace, freedom, and liberty for all beings in all times and places.