Saturday, May 16, 2009

Convocation at Isis Oasis

ANNOUNCING THE 15th Annual Convocation of The Temple of Isis and The Fellowship of Isis

Dedicated to the Goddess Mut, the Divine Mother Vulture of Ancient Egypt
at the Isis Oasis Sanctuary in Geyserville, California

OCTOBER 9th-12th 2009

Come join us at our annual Convocation at Isis Oasis Sanctuary. Lady Olivia Robertson, co-founder of the international Fellowship of Isis, will journey from Ireland to visit us in our enchanted landscape and guide us on our inner journeys. Snake priestess, author, filmmaker and sacred dancer Le'ema will present a splendid dance performance designed to enlighten and delight us. DeTraci Regula, the author of "The Mysteries of Isis" will share with us how to help protect the earth and assist in the preservation of endangered species through focused spiritual practices to enhance their survival. Priestess of Mary Magdalene Elizabeth Kelley will present the ancient Gnostic Mass celebrating the union of the divine feminine. Lady Zarita will lead us in the ancient Adoration of the Goddess Mut. Isis Oasis and Temple of Isis foundress Loreon Vigne will present an original mystical drama to edify and entertain us. Additional presenters will be announced.

This unique three-day event includes shared lodging, three meals a day, and all presentations and activities for $300 per person. Single-day participation is also possible for $100 a day.

The Isis Oasis is located in the heart of the Alexander Valley in the Sonoma wine country about twenty minutes north of Santa Rosa. For information and reservations, please call 707 857-ISIS (4747) or email

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