Sunday, August 12, 2012


The goal of Iseum of Temple Harakhte is the study and practice of Ancient Egyptian Sacred Science--the art, architecture, cosmic science, and theurgy of Egypt's temple traditions.  While all the ancient deities are honored in their seasons, Iseum Temple Harakhte holds The Trinity of the Divine Family Isis-Osiris-Horus (Auset-Asar-Heru) as the prototype of spiritual harmony that the Shemsu (followers) may emulate.  Foremost among them is the mother of the living light, Isis--the faithful wife, wise teacher, protector and guardian, healer to those afflicted, and counselor to those who govern.

The Iseum frequently sponsors speakers on topics of Sacred Science that are open to the public, and schedules private temple meetings at the convenience of members and their guests.

Iseum Temple Harakhte also provides sacred journeys to Egypt, temple tools, sacred astronomy, and Soothsayings.

Iseum of Temple Harakhte is at 1314 Sixth Street S.E. Charlottesville VA 22902-6302  

Contact priestess Rosemary Clark, (434) 245-8629     E-mail: 

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