Nancy Dew is a High Priestess with the Iseum of Mary Isis, which is dedicated to supporting women in knowing the power, wisdom, strength, compassion, and unconditional love of the Divine Feminine.
The Iseum of Mary Isis sponsors Sunday Circles at Lilith the 2nd Sunday of every month at 11 AM. Lilith is located at 35337 Annapolis Rd., 6 miles up from Highway 1, 1/4 miles past Horicon School.
Nancy is a
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Transpersonal NLP Practitioner, Certified Reiki Practitioner,
Ceremonialist, and Spiritual Counselor. She works with the unconditional love of the Divine Mother to be a gentle, supportive guide and facilitator. Nancy combines her clinical skills and deep spiritual practice with a background in bodywork and nutrition. As High Priestess, she leads year long
Priestess Apprecticeship in Sonoma County, California.
Nancy also performs
weddings at Lilith, and leads trips to
Hawaii.The Red Tent Temple is a sanctuary in the fruit orchard on the sacred land of Lilith, near Annapolis, California. It is available for rental.
Nancy is a radio talk show guest and leads workshops and groups throughout the U.S.
For information call (707) 886-1810. or e-mail